Tracing Lexer memory leaks

One of the problems I’ve been struggling with for a while now is the presence of pesky memory leaks in Visual Haskell. Hs2lib has one convention, It doesn’t free any memory, and so you’re responsible for freeing all memory.

As far as I knew, I was freeing any and all pointers that I had. It should not be leaking, but yet it was. So I decided to get to the root of this problem. I wrote a simple application that uses the Lexer classes of Visual Haskell and would emulate a user scrolling by feeding it lines of a Haskell file one at a time.

Using the Debug Diagnostics Tools I was able to track the application and make a full memory dump every few seconds in order to track the progression of the leak. The results were rather surprising:

WARNING – DebugDiag was not able to locate debug symbols for HsLexer.dll, so the reported function name(s) may not be accurate.

HsLexer.dll is responsible for 11.95 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations. The following are the top 2 memory consuming functions:

HsLexer!HsEnd+1343ac4: 8.20 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations.

HsLexer!HsEnd+150ae89: 2.00 MBytes worth of outstanding allocations.

This was detected in LexerLeakTest.exe__PID__4660__Date__07_04_2011__Time_03_20_30PM__18__Leak Dump – Private Bytes.dmp

So according to this tool, my little program was leaking quite extensively and not surprisingly, it was all coming from my inside my Haskell program. Unfortunately, GHC/GCC can not produce the proper symbols (.pdb files) for any of the Microsoft debugging tools to understand. So while we know conclusively that the program is leaking, we don’t know where.


This is where the new version of Hs2lib comes into play. The idea is to track any and all allocations and de-allocations made during the run of the program, in essence a simple profiler.

For this reason we now have Debug versions of the of modules. Through the magic of CPPHS, Cabal and custom preprocessors we get the usual “release” modules and “debug” modules which write the allocations to a file.

I’ll skip over the implementation of that, but the idea is to override all allocation functions with a custom one. The structure which is being written out to disk (the current version uses the rather slow show/read instances generated by GHC. I will be replacing these in the future) is:

<br />
data MemAlloc = MemAlloc { memFun   :: Caller<br />
                         , memStack :: Stack<br />
                         , memStart :: Address<br />
                         , memStop  :: Maybe Address<br />
                         , memSize  :: Maybe MemSize<br />
                         , memTime  :: String<br />
                         }<br />
              | MemFree { memStack :: Stack<br />
                        , memStart :: Address<br />
                        , memSize  :: Maybe MemSize<br />
                        , memTime  :: String<br />
                        }<br />
              deriving (Show, Read)<br />

The allocations get written out to a file called “Memory.dump”.

A piece of one such file is:

<br />
MemAlloc { memFun = Record<br />
         , memStack = Then "WinDll\\Lib\\/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs:242(peekCWString)"<br />
                     (Then "HsLexer.hs:85(fromNative)"<br />
                     (Then "HsLexer.hs:83(lexSourceStringWithExtA)"<br />
                      Empty))<br />
         , memStart = 43309024<br />
         , memStop = Just 43309026<br />
         , memSize = Just 2<br />
         , memTime = "1312779866"<br />
         }<br />
MemFree { memStack = Then "WinDll\\Lib\\/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs:246(freeCWString)"<br />
                    (Then "HsLexer.hs:85(fromNative)"<br />
                    (Then "HsLexer.hs:83(lexSourceStringWithExtA)"<br />
                     Empty))<br />
        , memStart = 43309024<br />
        , memSize = Just 2<br />
        , memTime = "1312779866"<br />
        }<br />

From this you can see that not only does it record allocation, but I’ve also implemented a simple artificial stack, that shows us where the allocation is/originated. The current implementation is rather simplistic. I will look into expanding this later, but for now it suits my needs.

For those wondering, this tracker is not enabled by default. To enable it just pass the “- -debug” flag to the call to Hs2lib. Compiling with this flag instructs the library to use the Debug version of the libraries, and changes the code generators so that they also add extra information to the generated code.

Since de-allocations also have to be tracked, using this flag also exposes a free function which should be used to free pointers. If the CallingConvention  used is stdcall then a function “freeS” is exported, if ccall then “freeC” is exported. The reason for this is because these functions are statically defined. They aren’t being generated by the tool but are instead part of the library part of the tool.

Performing analysis

Once we have a .dump file, the next step is to analyze this information. This is where the new tool Hs2lib-debug comes in. This tool replays the allocations in a pseudo heap. If all goes well, at the end the heap should be empty. If it has any entries it means we’ have a leak.

Invoking it is quite easy, just pass it as an argument the folder which contains the dump file:

Hs2lib-debug.exe -v .\MemDumps

and that’s all.

Running this on the dump file created from the lexer program returned:

*** Program starting up…

*** Reading file ‘.\MemDumps\Memory.dump’…

*** Found 31890 record(s).

*** Analyzing [********************] 100.00%

*** Found 1135 outstanding allocation(s).

1135 unfreed references found originating from HsLexer.hs:85(fromNative)\;\;\WinDll\Lib\/NativeMapping_Base.cpphs:242(peekCWString)\;

*** Cleaning up….


The messy output for the stack is a as follows: Entries in the path are separated by a ;, instead of the usual \ character.

The function the profiler pointed out is:

<br />
lexSourceStringWithExtA :: StablePtr (IORef [ExtensionFlag]) -&gt; CWString -&gt; IO ((StatelessParseResultPtr (Located Token)))<br />
lexSourceStringWithExtA a1 a2 =<br />
  do let st = newStack (__FILE__ ++ ":" ++ (show __LINE__) ++ "(lexSourceStringWithExtA)")<br />
     a1p &lt;- fromNative (pushStack st (__FILE__ ++ ":" ++ (show __LINE__) ++ "(fromNative)")) a1<br />
     a2p &lt;- fromNative (pushStack st (__FILE__ ++ ":" ++ (show __LINE__) ++ "(fromNative)")) a2<br />
     res &lt;- lexSourceStringWithExt a1p a2p<br />
     toNative st res<br />

And the exact line is

<br />
a2p &lt;- fromNative (pushStack st (__FILE__ ++ ":" ++ (show __LINE__) ++ "(fromNative)")) a2<br />

This is interesting for a couple of reasons., The profiler is saying that the pointer associated with the CWString (which is defined as a Ptr CWchar) is never freed. But why not.

The answer lies in the C# Marshaller and types being used. We are currently Marshalling C# strings using the String datatype. Strings in C# are immutable, so once the marshaller creates a wchar_t* from the string, it never worries about it again. They are strictly an in parameter.

There are two ways to solve this:

  • C# does have mutable strings, using the StringBuffer type. Using StringBuffer has the benefit that it already is implemented as a char pointer. The marshaller simply passes the pointer to the Haskell function and upon. After the function returns and the GC determines that the StringBuffer is no longer in use, it should free the memory (at least in theory).
  • Make the library just free any CWString it dereferences.

For now I’ve chosen the second approach, for no other reason other than it requires the least amount of change in existing code. In the future I’ll adopt the approach that Hs2lib will free any arguments being passed to it. I don’t know if this is the convention usually used. If someone has something against this approach I would love to hear it.

Update : There’s somewhat of a big gotcha that I’ve recently discovered. We have to remember that the String type in .NET is immutable. So when the marshaller sends it to out Haskell code, the CWString we get there is a copy of the original. We have to free this. When GC is performed in C# it won’t affect the the CWString, which is a copy.

The problem however is that when we free it in the Haskell code we can’t use freeCWString. The pointer was not allocated with C (msvcrt.dll)’s alloc. There are three ways (that I know of) to solve this.

  • use char* in your C# code instead of String when calling a Haskell function. You then have the pointer to free when you call returns, or initialize the pointer using fixed.
  • import CoTaskMemFree in Haskell and free the pointer in Haskell
  • use StringBuilder instead of String. I’m not entirely sure about this one, but the idea is that since StringBuilder is implemented as a native pointer, the Marshaller just passes this pointer to your Haskell code (which can also update it btw). When GC is performed after the call returns, the StringBuilder should be freed.

I’ve once again updated the library to not free any pointers. This prevents a nasty heap corruption. To not get memory leaks in c# you are free to choose between solution 1 & 3 presented here.


With this new code in place, I once again run the profiled lexer to generate a dump. This time when I analyze the result however I get

*** Program starting up…

*** Reading file ‘.\MemDumps\Memory.dump’…

*** Found 33027 record(s).

*** Analyzing [********************] 100.00%

*** Found 0 outstanding allocation(s).

Congratulations, No memory leak(s) detected.

*** Cleaning up….

And so the memory leaks are fixed. It’s worth noting that the analyzers can be quite slow. It uses a flat LinkedList like structure and lists to do the analysis. I will in future versions be replacing these with a Tree like structure and arrays respectively.

Status update

This is a small update to just let people know what I’ve been up to. This will be a non-technical post.

There are 3 components which  I want to get done before I put any code publicly online.

  • Cabal support (being able to build and run Haskell projects from the IDE)
  • Documentation support (class browser, quickinfo docs and F1 help integration along with jump to definition)
  • Intellisense support

Of the 3 I want to get Cabal support working, then release something, get feedback while I work on the other two. I’m working on all 3 concurrently (mostly depending on which part of visual studio I want to mess with that day) So how far along are they.

  • Cabal: I had a first version which hooked into the Cabal library and using quite a bit of reflection hacks and code changes to the MPF templates managed to load .cabal project files. This first approach was because I wanted to talk directly to Cabal, and not go through any intermediate layers. The reflection hacks were needed because the MPF templates are hardcoded to MSBuild, which uses an XML file format. Not using MPF would mean writing all that code myself which would have taken ages. Unfortunately this only worked sometimes, other times I would get an exception from deep within visual studio. I also had no idea how I would get building to work.

    Ultimately I decided to scrap the entire approach al together, It wasn’t worth the hassle and would be hard to maintain. I’ve now settled on the idea of converting .Cabal files to an internal MSBuild script (and back to .cabal when saving), while adding new templates for a Haskell target type which just invokes cabal-install. This is a much simpler approach which takes some of the burden of maintenance of me and into other tools, but which unfortunately requires me to learn about MSBuild. Currently I’m creating the conversion tool Cabal2MSBuild, which is about 20% done.

  • Documentation support: Documentation from the current module is gained from the AST inside GHC (hopefully, haven’t checked the data I get back yet). Documentation on external modules (e.g. package modules) are gained from two places (hopefully). For quick info the intellisense cache will be used, for class browser (e.g. browing of current project and dependencies) the .hpi files will be used. For F1 help haddock generated documentation will be used.

    However in order for the haddock documentation to be integrated into visual studio it has to be in the correct format. As it turns out, documentation has been greatly simplified in visual studio 2010. The documentation format basically comes down to a zip files renamed to something else, which contains a simple index xml file and just xhtml content files. Great news there, since haddock already does generate xhtml. However I still need to modify the files generated to include a few meta tags, which will be used by the document installer to create indices of the html files, and for F1. I’ve started the modifications to Haddock and they’re about 60% done.

  • Intellisense: I already have the .hpi files, which were those simplified indices of packages. I would like to provide intellisense for both project files and standalone Haskell files. There are a few ways to approach this. From what I’ve seen in the past, visual studio builds a intellisense cache file from the project dependencies on the fly on first launch/use of the project. If you have a large package database this could be handy, it limits the search space, but features such as auto-add imports/dependencies will become harder, as I would have to do 2 checks (local cache, and if not found hit a global cache). Standalone files also require me to only use the bigger (slower) global cache.

    However the speed of that global cache hasn’t been measured yet (because the cache hasn’t been made yet) . So for now, until I have some hard numbers, I’ve settled on just always using the globally constructed index. This is also about 20-30% done. The majority of the work left is reading some documentation and papers.

Hopefully this informs you what I’ve been up to the past few weeks,

Intellisense Part 1–Haskell Package Interface

As most of you who have been following this blog know I have IntelliSense and Cabal support left. I decided to focus on IntelliSense first (even though Cabal support is easier). So this is the first in a series of posts on how I’ve decided to implement IntelliSense.

[Sidenote: University has started again, So I’m afraid I’ll only have time to work on this project in the weekends, at least, when I’m coherent enough to Smile]

IntelliSense for those of you who don’t know is Microsoft’s implementation for Code Completion, a small overview can be found [here]. However the gist of it is that when the user starts typing in a relevant place that the IDE will try and help the user along by showing identifiers and or types currently in scope. To that extend Visual Haskell will support two types of scopes

  • Function scopes: e.g. whenever you’re inside a function, you’ll get a list of every bindings (both local and global) ,lambda variables and Modules in scope. Should you type a module name and a . you’ll get the other module names you can choose or functions you can use qualified from that module if any.
  • Type scopes: e.g. whenever you’re working inside a type signature, the list will limit itself to types that are currently in scope (along with modules again of course).

This is how I plan to implement code completion, If anyone has any requests of suggestions please let me know now since I can still change it for the initial release now.

In order to implement IntelliSense I need to index all the packages currently installed by GHC and also keep updating this as time goes by and you install new cabal packages. Visual Haskell will ship with a custom version of cabal-install ghc-pkg (and eventually a custom haddock as well in order to generate Visual Studio help files) so keeping them up to date should not be a problem.

I have still not decided how to store this information, But I’m leaning towards a structure with a Spatial Index , more specifically I’m leaning towards using a BANG file. I believe using this file will allow me to do the different kinds of lookups I need to do while having a memory mapped file.

But the first step is to get the information from ghc-pkg and ghc on your packages. These are then stored in a .hpi file (haskell package interface). Which is just a very simplified version of the .HI files ghc uses. They contain functions + documentation, classes declarations, instances and types. The reason for these files is two folds:

  • For the class browser we want to be able to browse packages (in a simplified manner) so these files will contain all we need for now, along with the location of the actual .hi file if we need it for more complex stuff later.
  • From these files I will generate the large IntelliSense database, this will not contain any information on classes etc. so we need a way to quickly get to  these. (especially for things like code snippets)

In any case, the first step is now completed, I can successfully generate .hpi files with all the content described above. It does this for my configuration, which contains



In about 39.16seconds and swallowing about 500mb of ram to do so while maxing out a core. So users will most likely not notice this first step at all. A snap of what the internal of a .hpi file looks like is:



Visual studio has this ability to show information about symbols when you hover over them, this feature is called “QuickInfo”

This essentially means that you can hover over a symbol like “fmap” and it would tell you, fmap :: forall a b (f :: * -> *). (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a  -> f b and that it’s defined in GHC.Base

in ghci this would be equivalent to typing :i fmap which would result in the following output

class Functor f where
  fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
        — Defined in GHC.Base

Whenever the user hovers over a symbol in visual studio, the IDE will call a method

public void AugmentQuickInfoSession(IQuickInfoSession session, IList<object> qiContent, out ITrackingSpan applicableToSpan)


I use the information given to me to construct two things

  • The word the user is hovering on
  • The exact location within the source file of that word

This information is used to find the correct Name value in the Haskell Renamed AST. The problem is we can’t construct name values, so we have to look them up. This is provided with the help of a typeclass

class Finder a where
    findName     :: MonadPlus m => a -> FastString -> Maybe SrcSpan -> m Name

The monad used determines how many results you receive. Use a Maybe monad and you’ll get just 1. use a List monad and you’ll get more than one, but only if you don’t specify a specific source span to look for (wildcard match on name alone).

However we should never enter the PostTcType types inside the renamed AST. These are invalid at this stage. Unfortunately SYB’s listify does not provide a way to tell it not to enter a specific type.

So we create a modified version of those SYB calls:

data Guard where
  Guard :: Typeable a => Maybe a -> Guard
type HList = [Guard]

— | Summarise all nodes in top-down, left-to-right order
everythingBut :: (r -> r -> r) -> HList -> GenericQ r -> GenericQ r
everythingBut k q f x
  = foldl k (f x) fsp
    where fsp = case isPost x q of
                  True  -> []
                  False -> gmapQ (everythingBut k q f) x

isPost :: Typeable a => a -> HList -> Bool
isPost a = or . map check
where check :: Guard -> Bool
       check x = case x of
                   Guard y -> isJust $ (cast a) `asTypeOf` y

— | Get a list of all entities that meet a predicate
listifyBut :: Typeable r => (r -> Bool) -> HList -> GenericQ [r]
listifyBut p q
  = everythingBut (++) q ([] `mkQ` (\x -> if p x then [x] else []))

Now listify takes a HList of types not to inspect. HList is a Heterogeneous list, so it’ll allow things of different types inside it. Finding the Name is now as simple as:

instance Finder (HsGroup Name) where
    findName grp a b = findName (listifyBut (isName a b) [Guard (undefined :: Maybe PostTcType)] grp) a b

once we have the names, we can just call getInfo. Nothing else is needed because remember that all API calls have a Context as argument, for instance the full type of the tooltip function is:

— @@ Export
— | Gather information about the identifier you requested
–   .
–   Context: The session for this call, Serves as a cache
–   .
–   String : The name of the identifier to lookup
–   .
–   SrcSpan: The location of the identifier in the sourcefile
–   .
–   Bool   : Whether to treat this call as a strict one. If it’s strict
–            Then the name AND span must match. If it’s not, Any match will do
–   .    
getTooltip :: Context -> String -> SrcSpan -> Bool -> IO (Maybe String)

This produces the following result


There’s a problem however, if you hover over a variable name that’s defined in the body of the function it produces a runtime panic:


If you think about it, this kind of makes sense, GHCi also won’t produce anything on local variables. In fact you can’t even refer to them. But we would at the least we would like to prevent this crash, and in the best case scenario we would like *some* information on the symbol.

After poking around some I noticed that the type of the identifiers that produce the errors are “Internal Name” values. the function nameModule then fails on these types. The plan now is, whenever we find a Internal Name, we look into the TypecheckedModule to find the Id associated with the Name value we retrieved earlier. with SYB this is again easy. However there’s a catch (thanks to nominolo for pointing this out): we should not enter any PostTcKind nor NameSet because these are blank after type checking.

findID :: Data a => a -> Name -> [Id]
findID a n = listifyBut ((n==) . getName) [Guard (undefined :: Maybe NameSet)
                                                                       ,Guard (undefined :: Maybe PostTcKind)] a

and that’s all. The end result is that this now works on local variables as well. Hovering over for instance the variable file generates


The important thing to note here is the Context , it’ll contain a cache of information. So looking up any of this stuff will be instantaneous. You just hover and directly get back information.

A last cool but *I’m not so sure how useful* function is that if you select something, then hover over it, it will type check only that expression.


so if you have an expression "fmap foo” somewhere but don’t remember what type foo or fmap is, just select them and hover over the selection. (although this is somewhat limited, all identifiers have to be top-level. It can’t return anything for local variables. sorry Sad smile )

And that’s it for this post, I’ll continue the work on Cabal now, or continue this track and fully finish intellisense.

No video for this in action, since I have a cold Confused smile


This last week I’ve been busy with a lot of bug fixes, stability enhancements and finishing half implemented features. One of the big problems that I had was that the function which, for all intended purposes is the core of Visual Haskell, the module discovery code was very very slow. On average it ran in 1.2secs and a stdDev of 0.1sec.

This might not seem all that bad at first glance, but consider this, every 500ms after your last key press, a call is made to this function to validate your changes. If the file had errors this would show up right away and you would be informed of type errors etc immediately, but when type checking actually succeeds, getting all the information we desire from a module takes a 1.2seconds on average as stated above. To the user this would total a 1.7second delay for any changes (at least for the average Haskell file).

This is absolutely too slow, as features get added, it’s increasingly important to get this part right. My first thought was to optimize my use of Lists. I made changes so that cons is used as much as possible instead of the concatenation operator ++ , since cons runs in constant time.

This shaved off about 0.1seconds on average. which Is not bad, but still not what I was hoping to gain. So the second thought was that the lists themselves was slow. I assumed this to be a reasonable explanation since a lot of list operations took place.

My second change was to add strictness annotation to the datatypes (they’re being send over FFI anyway, so they’ll always be evaluated at one point, might as well do it sooner rather than later) and changed from Lists to a Vector from the "vector” package on Hackage.

Unfortunately the change to Vectors has the opposite effect of what I wanted, (yes I did enable optimizations). Execution time now became on average 1.8secs and StdDev 0.3secs. Clearly not the right direction.

So I removed the Vectors and decided to run some profiling, the results were interesting and certainly not hat I was expecting:

    Sun Jul 11 20:13 2010 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

       Main.exe +RTS -p -RTS

    total time  =        1.22 secs   (61 ticks @ 20 ms)
    total alloc = 262,102,440 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE                           MODULE             %time %alloc

Typecheck-Rename                   HscMain                41.0    42.5
CAF:loadWithLogger_r8fG        VsxParser             37.7    15.2
SimplTopBinds                           SimplCore               9.8    14.7
Parser                                           HscMain                   3.3      7.6
Simplify                                         SimplCore               1.6      0.1
OccAnal                                        SimplCore               1.6       3.6
bin_tycldecls                                BinIface                    1.6      4.9
occAnalBind.scc                         OccurAnal                 1.6      0.4
getModInfo                                  VsxParser               1.6      3.2
CoreTidy                                       HscMain                   0.0      2.0
CorePrep                                     HscMain                    0.0      2.3
CAF                                               Packages                  0.0      1.5

According to these results only 1.6% was spend actually processing the file by my function, the rest were spend by the ghc api mostly in loading and type checking. To see how well this presents itself as we scale, I ran the getModInfo function 47 times. The results were:

Sun Jul 11 21:17 2010 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

   Main.exe +RTS -p -RTS

total time  =      44.22 secs   (2211 ticks @ 20 ms)
total alloc = 12,456,963,764 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

But getModInfo now takes up 14.3% of the execution time, but the rest of time is still largely spend in the ghc api.

On every call GHC has to load the module and any interfaces for any imports that module uses. This is the slowest part, which is also I/O bound. So what if we can prevent this.

Session information is stored in a type called HscEnv , this can be read and set using the methods setSession and getSession respectively. By restoring this session every time we can prevent GHC from reloading things it doesn’t need to. Since we already know that in between calls only the head modules could have changed we can safely do this.

The next question is then, how do we preserve this value in between calls. Since the method always terminates and we want to be able to keep track of multiple HscEnv (one for every document currently open in the IDE)

This is where StablePtr comes in (thanks to lispy from #Haskell for the suggestion), it offers us an opaque reference to a Haskell value and since it has a Storable instance I can pass it to and from C#. The ideal solution.

There was only one problem, the api for StablePtr provided no mechanism to update, but there was one to dereference it. The solution is to store a mutable value inside the StablePtr then, in this case an IORef.

Take a look at this example:

module Main where

import Foreign.StablePtr
import Data.IORef

type Context a = StablePtr (IORef a)
type Env       = Context [Int]

initEnv :: IO Env
initEnv = newStablePtr =<< newIORef []

freeEnv :: Env -> IO ()
freeEnv = freeStablePtr

add :: Env -> Int -> IO ()
add env val
  = do env_value <- deRefStablePtr env
       modifyIORef env_value ((val:) $!)
sum’ :: Env -> IO Int
sum’ env
  = do env_value <- deRefStablePtr env
       current   <- readIORef env_value
       return $ sum current
main :: IO Int
= do env <- initEnv
      add env 1
      add env 1
      add env 1
      add env 1
      val <- sum’ env
      freeEnv env
      return val

This shows how we can pass a simple state (Env) around during different invocations. The idea is that, the calls to InitEnv, add, sum’ and freeEnv are done over FFI, which is why it’s important to have the value Storable and stable (as in the GC won’t touch it).

Using this same approach we can write a helper class for the GHC api:

module GhcSession where

import HscTypes
import Data.IORef
import Foreign.StablePtr

import GHC
import GHC.Paths ( libdir )

type Context      = StablePtr (IORef HscEnv)

createContext :: IO Context
createContext =
  runGhc (Just libdir) $
     do env <- getSession
        liftIO $ newStablePtr =<< newIORef env
freeContext :: Context -> IO ()
freeContext = freeStablePtr

updateContext :: Context -> HscEnv -> IO ()
updateContext env val
  = do env_value <- deRefStablePtr env
       writeIORef env_value $! val
       — modifyIORef env_value ((const val) $!)
readContext :: Context -> IO HscEnv
readContext = (readIORef =<<) . deRefStablePtr
pushSession :: GhcMonad m => Context -> m ()
pushSession = (setSession =<<) . liftIO . readContext

pullSession :: GhcMonad m => Context -> m ()
pullSession = (getSession >>=) . (liftIO .) . updateContext


The only thing left to do now is this call push- and pullSession in the getModInfo function to set and update the state. Having done so it was time to run benchmarking again. The results were impressive, a speedup of over 500%.

    Mon Jul 12 01:57 2010 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

       Main.exe +RTS -p -RTS

    total time  =        8.54 secs   (427 ticks @ 20 ms)
    total alloc = 2,128,219,560 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

This means that any one invocation should run in ~0.18s which should be pretty much unnoticeable to an end user. The added bonus is also less memory usage, since the biggest structure is pretty much reused. Because of the timestamps, even if other modules changed in between two calls, only the changed ones will get reloaded.

Ghost typing

This is the preliminary version of the Ghost typing addition to visual Haskell, the idea is that whenever an explicit type signature is not given, the  IDE will display the type inferred by GHC.

You can then click on the signature to insert it, or use the smart action associated with the name of the function.

Up next is the feature that when you have given a signature that doesn’t type check, the IDE will remove that signature and retry, if it succeeds the IDE will display a suggested signature.

Below is a GIF of how the first part works.


Oh and collapsible regions has been finished as well Smile 

if the function has a type signature it will collapse at the end of that declaration, if not it’ll collapse at the end of the function name.

There is a restriction to this however since GHC allows you to declare your signatures anywhere in the file. In order for the signature to be considered part of the function by collapsible regions it has to be end on the line before the binding.

Which means it can span multiple lines, the end just has to be before the binding, that way it also supports haddock documented type signatures.

Context sensitive lexing

This is something I haven’t seen in other Haskell IDEs before but which to me would be useful:

Context sensitive lexing, as in the lexer wil treat certain tokens differently based on information defined globally, e.g LANGUAGE Pragmas.

But first a quick recap of how lexing is done in visual haskell 2010:

  • The IDE will ask me to color text one line at a time
  • Everytime I want to color a line I make a call to HsLexer.dll which is a binding to the GHC Api, which calls the GHC lexer directly.
  • Multiline comments are handles in a local state and are never passed to the lexer because since I’m lexing one line at a time, I won’t be able to find the boundaries of the comment blocks like that, so instead I just keep track of the comment tokens {- and –} and identify blocks using a local algorithm that mimics the matching done by GHC.
    Using that I was always able to color GHC Pragmas a different color than normal comments, the reason for this is that they have special meaning, so I’m depicting them as such.

The original code for lexing on the Haskell side was

— @@ Export
— | perform lexical analysis on the input string.
lexSourceString :: String -> IO (StatelessParseResult [Located Token])
lexSourceString source = 
   buffer <- stringToStringBuffer source
   let srcLoc  = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "internal:string") 1 1
   let dynFlag = defaultDynFlags
   let result  = lexTokenStream buffer srcLoc dynFlag
   return $ convert result

pretty straight forward, I won’t really be explaining what everything does here, but what’s important is that we need to somehow add the LANGUAGE pragma entries into the dynFlag value above.

To that end, I created a new function

— @@ Export
— | perform lexical analysis on the input string and taking in a list of extensions to use in a newline seperated format
lexSourceStringWithExt :: String -> String -> IO (StatelessParseResult [Located Token])
lexSourceStringWithExt source exts = 
   buffer <- stringToStringBuffer source
   let srcLoc  = mkSrcLoc (mkFastString "internal:string") 1 1
   let dynFlag = defaultDynFlags
   let flagx   = flags dynFlag
   let result  = lexTokenStream buffer srcLoc (dynFlag { flags = flagx ++ configureFlags (lines exts) })
   return $ convert result

which gets the list of Pragmas to enable in a newline \n delimited format. The reason for this is that WinDll currently does not support Lists marshalling properly. It’ll be there in the final version at which point I would have rewritten these parts as well. But until then this would suffice.

the function seen above

configureFlags :: [String] -> [DynFlag]

is used to convert from the list of strings to a list of recognized DynFlag that effect lexing.

Now on to the C# side, Information I already had was the location of the multi comment sections, so all I needed to do was, on any change filter out those sections which I already know to be a Pragma (I know this because I color them differently remember)

But since the code that tracks sections is generic I did not want to hardcode this, so instead I created the following event and abstract methods

public delegate void UpdateDirtySections(object sender, Entry[] sections);
public event UpdateDirtySections DirtyChange;

/// <summary>
/// Raise the dirty section events by filtering the list with dirty spans to reflect
/// only those spans that are not the DEFAULT span
/// </summary>
protected abstract void notifyDirty();

/// <summary>
/// A redirect code for raising the internal event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="list"></param>
internal void raiseNotifyDirty(Entry[] list)
    if (DirtyChange != null)
        DirtyChange(this, list);

and the specific implementation of  notifyDirty for the CommentTracker is

protected override void notifyDirty()
    Entry[] sections = (Entry[])list.Where(x => x.isClosed && !(x.tag is CommentTag)).ToArray();

Meaning we only want those entries that are Not the normal CommentTag and that are closed, i.e. having both the start and end values filled in. (the comment tracking algorithm tracks also unclosed comment blocks, It needs to in order to do proper matching as comments get broken or introduced)

The only thing left now is to make subscribe to this event from the Tagger that produces syntax highlighting and react to it. My specific implementation does two things, It keeps track of the current collection of pragmas and the previous collection.

then it makes a call to checkNewHLE to see whether we have introduces or removed a valid syntax pragma. If this is the case, it asks for the entire file to be re-colored.

This call to checkNewHLE is important, since when the user is modifying an already existing pragma tag,

for instance adding TypeFamilies  into the pragmas {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} we get notified for every keypress the user makes, but untill the whole keyword TypeFamilies has been types there’s no point in re-coloring the whole file.

The result of this can be seen below and I find it very cool to be frank 😀

What it looks like with no pragmas


now look at what happens when we enable TemplateHaskell  and TypeFamilies


notice how with the extensions enabled “family” and “[|” , “|]” now behave like different keywords, this should be usefull to notify the programmer when he’s using certain features. For instance, with TypeFamilies enabled line 6 would no longer be valid because “family” is now a keyword.

Working around ghc’s lexer’s layout rule

While implementing coloring for Haskell files I noticed that lines with more closing braces (either ‘)’ or ‘}’) were not being colored.

After doing some digging around I found out the following:











So apparently they were throwing lexical errors, but why?

After contacting Mr. Simon Marlow I was told that this is the handling of GHC’s layout rule. to quote

“You’re probably encountering the lexer’s handling of the Haskell “layout” rule.  When the lexer sees a ‘}’ token, it pops the current layout stack, and if the layout stack is empty then this is a lexical error.”

This left me with 3 choices

  1. Use a custom lexer much like the original visual haskell did
  2. Replace all {, },( and ) with 1 whitespace character so that they won’t be colored, but the rest of the input will, but the positions would be preserved.
  3. left pad the input with enough opening braces to have the lexer succeed in parsing then adjust the ranges.

Option 1 was the least maintainable, since I would have to keep updating the lexer everytime the one in ghc changes. So I didn’t want to do this.

Option 2 was a possibility, one which I tried out before, But I noticed that having the braces colored really did help.

Option 3 was then chosen by process of elimination. It turned out to not be that much work at all.

private int prepareLine(ref string str)
    int round= 0, brace = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
        switch (str[i])
            case ‘}’:
                if(i==0 || !(str[i-1]==’-‘))
            case ‘)’:

    if(round > 0)
        str = str.PadLeft(str.Length + round, ‘(‘);

    if (brace > 0)
        str = str.PadLeft(str.Length + brace, ‘{‘);

    return round + brace;


is the full implementation. Now I know what you’re thinking, By doing this I’ll create more opening than closing braces. So a balanced line like (Int) becomes unbalanced ((Int). However this is not a problem, Since for my coloring braces carry no semantics. I don’t care what they mean (as in, when interpreted) all I care about is what they are (as in the token type).

With that in place, the only other code needed is to skip the first n number of tokens returned from the lexer, where n is the result of calling the prepareLine function.

And that’s all, Now we have perfect line coloring everywhere 🙂
